Hello Bloggers welcome to this post.
Here in this blog post you will know my methods of writing blog posts.
Prstha is not just a tool. It’s my years of blogging experience packed into single Tool.
Let’s get Started.
how to write SEO friendly blog posts
What is Prstha Tool?
Prstha is free On-Page SEO Tool for Beginner, Median, & Advanced Bloggers.
* Prstha Tool is Created & Developed & Designed By Sagar. He shares his years of blogging experience, packed into bundle as a Single Tool.
Who can Use This Tool?
This Tool is built for Passioned Bloggers who want to learn On-Page SEO.
Is Prstha Tool is Free?
Yes, It is Free, It will be Free forever & for everyone.
Step 1: Front Page of Prstha Tool
This is a starting interface of Prstha Tool and this is how it looks.
As you can see it has progress bar. after completing the steps it progress forward which shows in percentage.
- First you need to complete verification step you need to enter the what it asks.
- In this above picture verification you need to enter is 4. Things can change in future.
Step 2: Enter Title of Blog Post.
- This is a second step.
You need to enter title / keyword of your blog post and click next.
Step 3: Titled Focued Keyword
- Focus Keyword Section
If your title contains a keyword then you need to click on YES otherwise you need to click no.
After you click on yes you can see progress bar increasing to 8%
Click on Next Step.
For Example:
- Targeted Keyword: Blog Post.
- Targeted Title: How to write Blog Post.
As you can see above, Title contains keywords, If you have the same then you need to click on yes.
Step 4: focused Beginning
- focus keyword in title beginning
Don’t get confused by the step-3.
Step-3 asks, does it contain?
In step-4 Prstha Tool ask for the position of the keyword in the title.
Step 5: Numbered Title
In this step Prstha Tool ask, if your title has number.
like there are list based blog posts that you need to add number.
so, I will give real life examples.
for example:
- 11 Best Places to Share After writing Blog Post
- 35 Useful Websites & Uses You Don’t Know
- 11 Best Free Graphic designing Tool for beginners
These above three are my blog post examples.
If you want real life based example outside my blog posts CLICK HERE
As you click on yes, I do progress bar increases to 14%
Step 6: powered Title
These are some power words. if you use it in your blog post title then you need to click on yes otherwise clicks no.
List Of Power Words
Absolutely | Absurd | Abuse |
Accurate | Accuse | Achieve |
Actionable | Adaptable | Adequate |
Admit | Adorable | Advantage |
Advice | Affordable | Aggravate |
Aggressive | Agitated | Agonizing |
Agony | Alarmed | Alarming |
Alienated | Aligned | All-inclusive |
Alluring | Always | Amazing |
Amp | Animated | Annihilate |
Announcing | Anonymous | Antagonistic |
Anxious | Apocalypse | Appalled |
Approved | Approving | Argumentative |
Armageddon | Arrogant | Ass Kicking |
Assault | Assured | Astonishing |
Astounded | Astounding | At Ease |
Atrocious | Attractive | Audacity |
Authentic | Authoritative | Authority |
Aware | Awe-inspiring | Awesome |
Awkward | Backbone | Backdoor |
Backed | Backlash | Backstabbing |
Badass | Balanced | Banned |
Bargain | Barrage | Basic |
Battle | Beaming | Beat Down |
Beating | Beautiful | Beauty |
Begging | Behind The Scenes | Belief |
Best-selling | Best | Better |
Beware | Big | Billion |
Black Market | Blacklisted | Blast |
Blessed | Blinded | Blissful |
Blood | Bloodbath | Bloodcurdling |
Bloody | Blunder | Blushing |
Bold | Bomb | Bona Fide |
Bonanza | Bonus | Bootleg |
Bottom Line | Bountiful | Brave |
Bravery | Brazen | Break |
Breaking | Breakthrough | Breathtaking |
Bright | Brilliant | Broke |
Brutal | Budget | Buffoon |
Bullshit | Bully | Bumbling |
Buy | Cadaver | Calm |
Cancel Anytime | Capable | Captivate |
Captivating | Carefree | Case Study |
Cash | Cataclysmic | Catapult |
Catastrophe | Caution | Censored |
Centered | Certain | Certainly |
Certified | Challenge | Charming |
Cheap | Cheat-sheet | Cheat |
Cheer | Cheerful | Child-like |
Clarity | Classified | Clear |
Clueless | Collapse | Colorful |
Colossal | Comfortable | Compare |
Competitive | Complete | Completely |
Completeness | Comprehensive | Compromise |
Compulsive | Concealed | Conclusive |
Condemning | Condescending | Confess |
Confession | Confessions | Confident |
Confidential | Conquer | Conscientious |
Constructive | Content | Contrary |
Controlling | Controversial | Convenient |
Convert | Cooperative | Copy |
Corpse | Corrupt | Corrupting |
Courage | Courageous | Cover-up |
Covert | Coward | Cowardly |
Crammed | Crave | Crazy |
Creative | Cringeworthy | Cripple |
Crisis | Critical | Crooked |
Crush | Crushing | Damaging |
Danger | Dangerous | Daring |
Dazzling | Dead | Deadline |
Deadly | Death | Decadent |
Deceived | Deceptive | Defiance |
Definitely | Definitive | Defying |
Dejected | Delicious | Delight |
Delighted | Delightful | Delirious |
Delivered | Deplorable | Depraved |
Desire | Desperate | Despicable |
Destiny | Destroy | Detailed |
Devastating | Devoted | Diagnosed |
Direct | Dirty | Disadvantages |
Disastrous | Discount | Discover |
Disdainful | Disempowered | Disgusted |
Disgusting | Dishonest | Disillusioned |
Disoriented | Distracted | Distraught |
Distressed | Distrustful | Divulge |
Document | Dollar | Doomed |
Double | Doubtful | Download |
Dreadful | Dreamy | Drive |
Drowning | Dumb | Dynamic |
Eager | Earnest | Easily |
Easy | Economical | Ecstatic |
Edge | Effective | Efficient |
Effortless | Elated | Eliminate |
Elite | Embarrass | Embarrassed |
Emergency | Emerging | Emphasize |
Empowered | Enchant | Encouraged |
Endorsed | Energetic | Energy |
Enormous | Enraged | Enthusiastic |
Epic | Epidemic | Essential |
Ethical | Euphoric | Evil |
Exactly | Exasperated | Excellent |
Excited | Excitement | Exciting |
Exclusive | Exclusivity | Excruciating |
Exhilarated | Expensive | Expert |
Explode | Exploit | Explosive |
Exposed | Exquisite | Extra |
Extraordinary | Extremely | Exuberant |
Eye-opening | Fail-proof | Fail |
Failure | Faith | Famous |
Fantasy | Fascinating | Fatigued |
Faux Pas | Fearless | Feast |
Feeble | Festive | Fierce |
Fight | Final | Fine |
Fired | First Ever | First |
Flirt | Fluid | Focus |
Focused | Fool | Fooled |
Foolish | Forbidden | Force-fed |
Forever | Forgiving | Forgotten |
Formula | Fortune | Foul |
Frantic | Free | Freebie |
Freedom | Frenzied | Frenzy |
Frightening | Frisky | Frugal |
Frustrated | Fulfill | Fulfilled |
Full | Fully | Fun-loving |
Fundamentals | Funniest | Funny |
Furious | Gambling | Gargantuan |
Genius | Genuine | Gift |
Gigantic | Giveaway | Glamorous |
Gleeful | Glorious | Glowing |
Gorgeous | Graceful | Grateful |
Gratified | Gravity | Greatest |
Greatness | Greed | Greedy |
Grit | Grounded | Growth |
Guaranteed | Guilt-free | Guilt |
Gullible | Guts | Hack |
Happiness | Happy | Harmful |
Harsh | Hate | Have You Heard |
Havoc | Hazardous | Healthy |
Heart | Heartbreaking | Heartwarming |
Heavenly | Helpful | Helplessness |
Hero | Hesitant | Hidden |
High Tech | Highest | Highly Effective |
Hilarious | Hoak | Hoax |
Holocaust | Honest | Honored |
Hope | Hopeful | Horrific |
Horror | Hostile | How To |
Huge | Humility | Humor |
Hurricane | Hurry | Hypnotic |
Idiot | Ignite | Illegal |
Illusive | Imagination | Immediately |
Imminently | Impatience | Impatient |
Impenetrable | Important | Improved |
In The Zone | Incapable | Incapacitated |
Incompetent | Inconsiderate | Increase |
Incredible | Indecisive | Indulgence |
Indulgent | Inexpensive | Inferior |
Informative | Infuriated | Ingredients |
Innocent | Innovative | Insane |
Insecure | Insider | Insider |
Insidious | Inspired | Inspiring |
Instant Savings | Instantly | Instructive |
Intel | Intelligent | Intense |
Interesting | Intriguing | Introducing |
Invasion | Investment | Iron-clad |
Ironclad | Irresistible | Irs |
Jackpot | Jail | Jaw-dropping |
Jealous | Jeopardy | Jittery |
Jovial | Joyous | Jubilant |
Judgmental | Jumpstart | Just Arrived |
Keen | Kickass | Kickstart |
Know It All | Lame | Largest |
Lascivious | Last Chance | Last Minute |
Last | Latest | Laugh |
Laughing | Launch | Launching |
Lavishly | Lawsuit | Left Behind |
Legendary | Legitimate | Liberal |
Liberated | Lick | Lies |
Life-changing | Lifetime | Light |
Lighthearted | Likely | Limited |
Literally | Little-known | Loathsome |
Lonely | Looming | Loser |
Lost | Love | Lunatic |
Lurking | Lust | Luxurious |
Luxury | Lying | Magic |
Magical | Magnificent | Mainstream |
Malicious | Mammoth | Manipulative |
Marked Down | Massive | Maul |
Mediocre | Meditative | Meltdown |
Memorability | Memorable | Menacing |
Mesmerizing | Meticulous | Mind-blowing |
Minimalist | Miracle | Mired |
Mischievous | Misgiving | Missing Out |
Mistake | Monetize | Money |
Moneyback | Moneygrubbing | Monumental |
Most Important | Motivated | Mouth-watering |
Murder | Mystery | Nail |
Naked | Natural | Naughty |
Nazi | Nest Egg | Never |
New | Nightmare | No Good |
No Obligation | No One Talks About | No Questions Asked |
No Risk | No Strings Attached | Non-controlling |
Noted | Novelty | Now |
Obnoxious | Obsessed | Obsession |
Obvious | Odd | Off-kilter |
Off-limits | Off-the Record | Offensive |
Official | Okay | On-demand |
Open-minded | Opportunities | Optimistic |
Ordeal | Outlawed | Outrageousness |
Outstanding | Overcome | Overjoyed |
Overnight | Overwhelmed | Painful |
Painless | Painstaking | Pale |
Panic | Panicked | Paralyzed |
Passionate | Pathetic | Pay Zero |
Payback | Peril | Perplexed |
Perspective | Pessimistic | Pioneering |
Piranha | Pitfall | Pitiful |
Placid | Plague | Played |
Playful | Pleased | Pluck |
Plummet | Plunge | Poison |
Poisonous | Poor | Popular |
Portfolio | Pound | Powerful |
Powerless | Practical | Preposterous |
Prestige | Price | Priceless |
Pride | Prison | Privacy |
Private | Privileged | Prize |
Productive | Professional | Profit |
Profitable | Profound | Promiscuous |
Promising | Promote | Protect |
Protected | Proven | Provocative |
Provoke | Psychological | Pummel |
Punch | Punish | Pus |
Quadruple | Quality | Quarrelsome |
Quick-start | Quick | Quickly |
Quiet | Radiant | Rare |
Ravenous | Rebellious | Recession-proof |
Reckoning | Recognized | Recommend |
Recreate | Reduced | Reflective |
Refugee | Refund | Refundable |
Reject | Relaxed | Release |
Reliable | Remarkable | Replicate |
Report | Reprimanding | Repulsed |
Repulsive | Research | Resentful |
Resourceful | Responsible | Responsive |
Rested | Restricted | Results |
Retaliating | Reveal | Revealing |
Revenge | Revengeful | Revisited |
Revolting | Revolutionary | Reward |
Rich | Ridiculous | Risky |
Riveting | Rookie | Rowdy |
Ruin | Rules | Ruthless |
Sabotaging | Sacred | Sadistic |
Sadly | Sadness | Safe |
Safety | Sale | Sampler |
Sarcastic | Satisfied | Savage |
Savagery | Save | Savings |
For more power words click here.
My Stories
Step 7: Senti Title
Design title with sentimental words like positive & Negative word here design is nothing but a using emotional words for creating best headlines to users click.
If you feel your title is attractive then click yes how ever if you are not sure what it means then it’s best choice to leave it as it is.
Step 8: Focused URL
In this step, if you are using keyword in URL( Link ).
If you are using blogger or WordPress or any other CMS there will be option to edit whatever words you want to use.
For Example:
These are some results from google of my website.
as you can see in below image link are relevant to keyword.
Step 9: Short Para
It’s nothing to do with the progress bar but Sho(p) Technique is used for user experience.
If you are planning to write or already wrote your blog post in paragraph then you need to click on yes or click on no.
If you feel you don’t know what is step about then just leave as it is.
Step 10: Meta Desc
Usage of keywords in meta description skyrocket On-Page SEO so, It is the most important thing to use keyword.
As example in below image.
There is a blog post on YOUTUBE STUDIO & keyword is YOUTUBE STUDIO SETUP.
As you can see I’ve written keyword in URL {Step – 8}, Title {Step – 3}, & Meta Description {Step-10}.
Step 11: Focused Sub-Heading
If you use focused keyword in sub-heading then you need to click yes.
If you are not sure about Heading in HTML.
There are 6 header h1 is main heading and other are sub-header h2, h3 ,h4, h5, h6.
Click on check box on those, header you have used in your blog post or you are about write in your blog post.
On clicking on check box you will see increase or decrease in On-Page SEO Scores.
Step 12: Media
If you write a blog post, multi-media is the most important for user experience & to make readers understand easily which gives depth insight on the topic.
So, It’s better to use Image, or GIFS or Videos.
If you use Any multi-media then click on yes.
This is the next option, if you use any one of these ( Image, GIFS, Videos ). then click on options you use.
Important Tip: write alt attribute to the image to rank Google search Image.
Video: Embedding video on your blog post increases Average Time on Page which positively impact on your ads revenue.
Step 13: Linking
Linking is the one of most important factor in blogging.
search engine uses linking as it’s one of the important factor it can be either.
- Internal linking
- External Linking
What is external Linking?
In short External linking is nothing but an adding link to the own blog pointing to other’s websites.
In-detail about {External Linking}.
What is Internal Linking?
Linking is nothing but adding links to your own blog post.
In-detail about {Internal Linking}.
Step 14: Blog Post Length
The more in depth article you write The better will be your content.
In this case you need click on number of words you want to write or you already wrote.
Increase in number of words in your article gets you better results.
Increase in number of words increases Avg. On page time.
Increase in Avg. On page time increases Visitor Engagement.
Increase in Visitor Engagement increases Google ranking.
Increase in Google ranking increases Revenue.
So, It’s better to write article as long as you can.
Step 15: Get Email
This is a last and final step of this tool.
As you can see The final On-Page SEO Score is 71% In my Scenario.
you need to enter your name & email after entering you will get mail to your Inbox.
Step 16: Check Your Inbox
As you can see, this is my personal mail shown which includes Description, Information, Number, Score.
Mainly you need to worry 2 things Description & Score.
Description: It includes Name or title.
Score: This shows “How much SEO friendly is your blog post” .
Final Conclusion
I hope you loved this & If you find some thing useful.
What ever I wrote in above are my experience and things I actually Use.
I use any thing new in future I will Update here until then be safe & bye Bye
Thank you for reading my experience.