

Google Maps Street View is a feature of Google Maps that provides users with a 360-degree panoramic view of various locations around the world. It allows users to virtually explore a location as if they were there in person. While Street View is often used on mobile devices, it is also available on desktops and offers many benefits that make it worth using.

Important Points:

How to Access Google Maps Street View on Desktops:

To access Google Maps Street View on desktops, users can simply search for a location on Google Maps and click on the yellow person icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. This will switch the view to Street View, allowing users to explore the location in 360 degrees.

Benefits of Using Google Maps Street View on Desktops:

  • More Detailed View: Street View on desktops provides a larger and more detailed view than on mobile devices, making it easier to see and explore locations.

  • Easier Navigation: Using Street View on desktops allows users to navigate locations more easily, as they can use a mouse or keyboard to move around instead of having to physically move their device.

  • Better Planning: Street View on desktops can be useful for planning trips or events, as it allows users to explore and familiarize themselves with a location before visiting.

  • Time-Saving: Using Street View on desktops can save time by allowing users to explore locations without having to physically travel to them.


Do I need any special software to use Google Maps Street View on desktops?

No, Google Maps Street View can be accessed through a web browser on any desktop computer.

Can I use Street View on desktops to explore any location?

Street View is available for many locations around the world, but not all locations have been mapped. Users can check if Street View is available for a specific location by searching for it on Google Maps and checking if the yellow person icon is available.

Is Street View on desktops free to use?

Yes, Street View on desktops is a free feature of Google Maps.


  • More Detailed View: Street View on desktops provides a larger and more detailed view than on mobile devices, making it easier to see and explore locations.

  • Easier Navigation: Using Street View on desktops allows users to navigate locations more easily, as they can use a mouse or keyboard to move around instead of having to physically move their device.

  • Better Planning: Street View on desktops can be useful for planning trips or events, as it allows users to explore and familiarize themselves with a location before visiting.

  • Time-Saving: Using Street View on desktops can save time by allowing users to explore locations without having to physically travel to them.

  • Multiple Views: Street View on desktops allows users to switch between different views, including a 360-degree view and a fullscreen view, to best suit their needs.


  • Limited Coverage: While Street View is available for many locations around the world, not all locations have been mapped, limiting the usefulness of the feature in some cases.

  • Limited Accuracy: Street View images are not always up-to-date, and may not accurately reflect the current state of a location.

  • Privacy Concerns: Some users may have privacy concerns about Street View, as it can capture images of people and buildings without their consent.

Final Conclusion:

In conclusion, using Google Maps Street View on desktops can be a useful tool for exploring and familiarizing oneself with a location before visiting. The larger and more detailed view, combined with the ease of navigation, makes it a great option for planning trips or events. While there are some limitations to Street View, such as limited coverage and accuracy, these are outweighed by the benefits it provides. It is important to keep in mind that Street View images are not always up-to-date and may raise privacy concerns, but Google has taken steps to address these concerns and provides users with the ability to report images that they believe are inappropriate.

Overall, Google Maps Street View on desktops is a powerful tool that can help users explore and navigate locations around the world. It is free to use and accessible to anyone with a desktop computer and internet connection. Whether you are planning a trip, exploring a new city, or simply curious about the world, Street View on desktops is a valuable resource that can help you see the world from a different perspective.

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